How to get MEMO token

Step 1: Download our app Memopark and then register an account

Step 2: Login to our app and bind your chain address, which in our app menu: mine > Public Tron Chain Address

About Us

Memopark is the world's first commemorative meta universe, which digitally aggregates the information scattered by everyone, and finally becomes a digital eternal meta universe.

Memopark ecology includes: Commemorative culture, commemorative day management, digital memorial hall, commemorative goods, commemorative circle, diary works, memoir autobiography, heritage entrusted management, digital asset management, commemorative public welfare, commemorative games, the combination of online memorial hall and offline mausoleum, the interconnection of cosmic vision and satellite navigation, so that everyone can live in peace without occupying cultivated land, truly return the body to the earth and enter the meta universe, Let everyone realize the immortality of the digital universe.

There is a saying that human death is divided into three stages. The stop of the heart means physical death, the end of the funeral means social death, and the last death is forgotten by the last person in the world.

The pursuit of immortality is the eternal good wish of mankind. However, life is limited, and no one can borrow another 500 years from heaven. Looking back on history, few people can leave stories and works. They are outstanding representatives of mankind. Their stories and works are tangible and intangible, and affect the development of future generations, ethnic groups, mankind and society in large or small ways; Then those who are not forgotten by the world have realized eternal life.

Today, we have a fast pace and a long journey. Everyone is working hard for their dreams. We don't know which of tomorrow and accidents comes first. Looking back on the past of life, we know that time is getting shorter and life is precious.

Everyone has body and soul, and everyone also has material assets and spiritual assets. Historically, people around the world paid more attention to and owned material assets, despised or did not own spiritual assets. This situation is different today. With the continuous development of Internet mobile Internet value Internet, digital photo album video, social network, personal blog and digital currency VR AI mate, Every common people has rich digital assets, which belong to both individuals and society. They are an important part of social wealth. When everyone leaves, the processing of digital assets and spiritual wealth formed by portraits, thoughts, will and experience has become a social blind spot and pain point. When microblog, youtube, twitter, Facebook, tiktok When friends on stop updating, their avatars turn gray, lose contact, and perhaps never reply to messages again, it is both sad and helpless.

Today, with the birth of memopark, the era of burying yourself on the Internet has officially arrived. The virtual you, digital you and AI you will be preserved and spread forever. Your thoughts, will, logical thinking and wills will be continued and implemented, and will never be forgotten, but will live forever in the "meta universe" in memopark.

Team members


Nicolas Lodge

A senior project manager in the Internet industry, once worked for Microsoft and face book. He had unique thoughts on the development of social network meta universe, planned to rebuild a new meta universe ecology from the field of blockchain infrastructure, and launched memopark.


Ben olmer

Ben olmer, who worked at telegraph, has in-depth research on social networking, encryption technology and blockchain economic model.



zoroquet, who participated in the global promotion of decentraland, has rich industry experience in virtual content and virtual games, and is an important contributor to memopark product architecture.


Xin Liqi

Xin Liqi, who once worked at KPMG, has a strong interest in emerging industries and is a young Internet financial elite.


Michael Milan

Michael Milan is a senior employee in the field of information and multimedia. He has several years of experience in social media and community management, and has experience in global promotion of mature products.

Distribution method

The total global population is more than 7000000000, plus the dead and new population, which is far more than 21000000000. The vision of the project party is to popularize memopark around the world and realize the immortality of memopark for everyone. Considering the scarcity and value-added, the total distribution of memopark in trc20 is 2100000000.

Project progress

2019-09 working group was established, the project was launched and the white paper was drafted.

The first edition of 2020-06 memopark white paper determined that the team division of labor began to develop products.

2021-02 memopark internal test network online.

2022-02 memopark public beta online version launched.

2022-04 memopark meta universe game online public beta.

2022-05 memopark (memo) online exchange.

On September 2023, the official version of memopark was launched in major application markets around the world to explore the global market.

2026 - reach 500 million users worldwide.

2028 - popularize 2 billion users worldwide and achieve memopark meta universe.

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